Terms of Service
By purchasing or receiving in trade a design or art created by Ponkochi, you agree to accept and comply to the Terms of Service.If intending to post my art/design on another platform, ask for permission first. Proper credits are required when reposting.
*Except Toyhou.se with creditsYou may not use my art/designs for any commercial or for profit purposes unless given permission.You cannot claim the art/design as your own creation.I do not allow tracing or heavily referencing my art/designs.Scamming others by selling the same design to multiple users, selling designs that you cannot sell, trading multiple versions of the design, or any other similar scams go against my T.O.S.Those who break these terms of service may be permanently banned and blocked at my discretion from all activities related to all my accounts and anything else I may do in the future.If you are caught scamming others where my art/designs are involved, I will be taking immediate action to warn others and make a public statement.
**Closed Species **
I, Ponkochi, retain full rights to all of my original species. Any of my species cannot be made without my permission/consent.Rules, species status, and values may change at my discretion.
Editing Designs
One-off designs are allowed any edits to the design, species, and original art upon buying/receiving the design. However, the design is still considered as one design, so all versions of that design must be traded/sold together.Closed Species designs are allowed small edits, like marking or color changes. If you are changing traits, the traits can only be swapped for the same rarity, unless the species has no trait rarity chart. The redesign must still resemble the original design. All changes must be approved by Ponkochi.You can void a Closed Species design and convert it to a one-off design. You would erase all art of the CS form and update the masterlist requesting it to be voided. This option is for those who want to opt out of the CS community, but still keep the design base.
(Ex: Taking a Seagon design and redesigning it to be used solely as a one-off tiger design. Therefore, the Seagon design does not exist anymore.)You can also keep the Closed Species design and also have multiple forms based off the design without having it voided. This option is for those who want creative freedom, but the alternate forms will not be canon during CS events.
(Ex: Having a Seagon design and using an Astroflare MYO slot to give it a second form. Can also work with giving them one-off forms like a human form, cat form, etc.)
Buying/Trading/Reselling Designs and Vouchers
Pulling out of bids and offers, hiding/editing bids to lower amounts, and failure to pay can result into being banned from future design sales.Designs can only be resold for the original sale price or lower. Regardless of how it is obtained (resell, trade, gift, etc.) you're allowed to resell them if it was originally sold by Ponkochi for a monetary value. You can check for their original sale price by finding the original post, toyhou.se ownership history (if created by Ponko @ TH), or through a closed species masterlist. If there is no original sale price (raffle/gift/etc.), they cannot be resold.Price of additional artwork of the design cannot be added to the resell value.Vouchers for commissions, other designs, and real worlds items are allowed. Vouchers for giftcards cannot exceed the original sale value of the design. A voucher will be counted as a trade and never as a resell. The person paying for the voucher needs to be the one directly handling the buying process. Money should never directly go to the person who owns the design.Closed Species can be traded, gifted, or co-owned with a main owner. Whenever a change in ownership is made, it is necessary to notify the masterlist (@Ponkopedia).Any trade involving a Closed Species must be completed on both ends before ownership of the design is transferred.All Closed Species must be registered under the current owner on the Masterlist in order to be eligible for sale/trade.
Custom Design Commissions
Rough Sketch + Rough Colors: Starts at $40
Clean Sketch + Clean Colors: Starts at $80
Rough Sketch + Lineart + Clean Colors: Starts at $120
Required Custom Design Form
Commission Type: (Which commission option are you wanting?)
Species: (What species are you looking for? If looking for a mix, let me know what species/animal you want mixed together)
Traits: (What traits do you want to see? Ex. horns, claws, wings, etc.)
Color Palette: (Give me a picture, palette, or moodboard to work with!)
Markings: (Any specific markings I should include? Ex. stripes, gradients, star markings, etc.)
Theme: (What sort of theme would you like me to work with?)
Additional Notes: (Anything else I should know before I begin?)
PayPal Email: (For invoicing)
Art Commissions
Rough Sketch: Starts at $20
Clean Sketch + Clean Colors: Starts at $40
Rough Sketch + Lineart + Clean Colors: Starts at $80
Minis: Starts at $40 (Only receive a rough sketch preview)
Required Commission Form
Commission Type: (Which commission option are you wanting?)
Character Reference: (Provide a link to a visual reference of the character you want drawn)
Pose: (Any specific pose you want or do you want to leave it up to me?)
Additional Notes: (Anything else I should know before I begin?)
PayPal Email: (For invoicing)
General Rules
If after approving a stage you request further changes, I have the right to decline the request or charge an extra fee.Any requested changes that are not included in each stage will require a an additional fee, which can be quoted at the time of request.
*Be sure to be as descriptive as possible on your order form to avoid additional feesOnce the art or design is completed, there are no refunds or revisions upon receiving final approval.You are responsible for keeping track of all artwork files you have bought. However, you are free to inquire to see if I still have the original file.All art I make will be posted to my art accounts. If you wish to keep it private, it will cost an additional fee (30% of total cost).
Payment & Cancelations
100% of the payment is received before starting on a commission. An invoice will be sent for the agreed upon amount to the customer's paypal. Once the artwork is started, there are no full refunds, but in the event of cancelation, there may be some options:For cancelation of Custom Design:
Option 1: Refund of 50% of the amount received and I will put the design created up for sale after finishing it on my own (only for designs that are not other artist's closed species)
Option 2: No refund and order is completely canceled. Whatever portion of the design created at time of cancelation, you own (TOS rules still apply).For cancelation of Art Commission:
No refunds are given out at this time for this commission type. Whatever portion of the art created at the time of cancelation, you will receive (TOS rules still apply).
Rough Sketch
I will sketch out the pose, traits, and overall look of the design. This stage includes 1 initial sketch, and if needed, 1 additional overhaul revision. Any minor/medium changes are also included within reason
*If ordering Clean Sketch, the Rough Sketch will be cleaned up like the below example.__Rough Color__ (only applicable to custom designs)
Once the sketch is approved, I will begin to put down some rough colors and markings based off the filled out form. This includes 1 initial color concept, and if needed, up to 2 additional overhaul revisions. Any minor/medium changes are included within reason__Lineart__
Once sketch is approved, I finalize the drawing with clean lineart. Includes line art coloring. Only minor changes are included.__Clean Colors__
Once lineart is approved, flat colors are cleaned up and finalized based on rough colors or character design provided by the customer. Includes minimal shading/detailing. Only minor changes are included.
“Overhaul Revisions”: If we need to completely scrap the original idea and create a new sketch/design
“Medium Changes”: Changes to the design that don’t need to rework a large portion of the art. Generally takes 15-20 minutes to fix. (Ex. changing shapes/position of features, adding/removing traits, adding/removing colors, etc.)
“Minor Changes”: Small changes/tweaks that does not change the overall pose/design by much. Generally take 5-10 minutes to fix. (Ex. changing eye/mouth shape, remove/add small details, etc.)
“Within Reason”: As long as it is not in excess. 3-4 change requests per stage is reasonable, 10+ changes per stage is not.